August 23, 2013

Hasbro Transformers Alternator A-18 Autobots Sunstreaker (Dodge Viper GTS)

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Sunstreaker knows to the core of his spark that he is better than any other Autobot, and he makes sure everyone else knows it, too. His sociopathic tendencies, combined with his incredible vanity and arrogance, usually result in tension between himself and the other Autobots. He is generally unwilling to help those who are having trouble keeping up, and is quite audible when it comes to complaining about the shortcomings of everyone else. The only Autobot he truly gets along with is his twin brother, Sideswipe, and even that can seem strained at times.

The main reason Optimus Prime keeps him around is most likely Sunstreaker's effectiveness in the battlefield. Ruthless and skilled in all forms of combat, there is not much Sunstreaker cannot handle. As a front-line warrior, Sunstreaker is a great asset for the Autobot army. If a rather scary one.

Alternator Sunstreaker (1/24 scale) was released in 2005. Hasbro Alternators version was released as part of the standard Alternators line, in the redesigned "bubble" packaging (the third version of Alternators packaging). Though both are yellow redecos of the mold, the detailing between the two is very different, with the Hasbro version being a direct color-swap of the paint mask previously used for Dead End, adding red to the robot-mode parts as well as a pair of black racing stripes in car mode. Drastically put, the only two details virtually identical on both versions at first sight are the paint mask for the head and the tampographed license plate. (This is particularly remarkable since a stolen pre-production sample of Hasbro Sunstreaker actually sported a license plate tampograph more in style with previous Alternators license plates, whereas the final version is dead on identical to the Binaltech Asterisk toy's tampo.)

I'm entering into another round of Transformers infatuation after my last stint with the Binaltech 9 years ago in 2004. And a boardie in SG Collect is selling his used Alternators at a really good price and I jumped on the opportunity to finally get my Binaltech Sideswipe his brother, the Sunstreaker, along with a few others that incluse Alternator Grimlock that I always wanted. The previous owner took good care of the figures and they are in very good condition.

Transformation is always a challenge or me and I had a little hard time moving some joints basing solely on the (less than detailed) transformation instruction sheet. I should've consult in a Youtube tutorial but was fiddling it on my bed... a little pre-sleep toy fun time you may say. Luckily nothing broken. Instruction says to fold the door by the side of the arm but I prefer to flip it up and have them mimic wings.
Love the red arm that adds a little dimension to the otherwise pre-dominantly yellow and black (and a little light grey here and there).
Articulations wise, we had the standard points plus some. Head is on a ball joint but because of how low it was seated and the almost flat design on the underside, it doesn't give a good amount of movement. Arm movement is better with shoulder (hinged), elbow and wrist all on ball joints. Index finger are separated from the other 3 fingers, all hinged up for open close articulations, with the thumb on a fixed position. The waist is able to rotate but due to the structure, you can turn just a little.
The legs are the biggest failure - articulation wise for this robot. Ball joints for the ankle are the biggest saving grace but the knee can only be bent slightly - though it's joints design can let it achieve at least a 90deg bent - but because of the car's side panel as the back of the calf, the obstruction allows only a meagre 10deg or less bent. Same goes to the groin articulation where the "skirt" restrict it doing a "kicking" pose. I'm actually thinking of cutting away the front part of the skirt to free up some articulation. Thighs are swivable but because of the said restriction earlier, Sunstreaker can only achieve some basic stance.

Here is a size gauge with Kre-O's Bumblebee Kreon. Alternator Sunstreaker stands about 8" tall from toe tip to top of the head. Pretty impressive. Not sure if 1/24 is a standard size for Transformers because Alternity series is 1/32 scale.
Overall robot design looks great and it has rubber tires. Only the head design doesn't really grow on me. It has the same head as Binaltech Decepticon Dead End which is also a Dodge Viper vehicle. However I'm always fascinated about yellow mechanics and am slowly gathering a group of yellow bots. If only their yellow are consistant ie off orangy yellow tone.
Have used Masterpiece MP-12T Tigertracks blaster on some of the pictures here. The "engine gun" Sunstreaker came with looks too much like a pee-shooter.

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