September 19, 2011

ThreeA 3A Ashley Wood WWR Nightwatch NOM Commander

No, they are not Jin Roh but I wouldn't blame you for mistakenly ID him.

I wasn't sure what is in my mind during the drop day early January 2011, for the pair of Nightwatch and Daywatch NOM Commanders, that I decided to skip it. When pictures of them, taken by folks who bought it, start appearing on the internet, a deep sense of regret sets in. Managed to get a pair at retail price over at 3A BST forum but incur a shipment cost of US$50 and took 13 days to arrive with priority mail. Small price to pay I guess but glad I go for it. They were just perfect to pair up with Barguest and Fantome de Plume.

NW NOM Commander came with twin pistol each contained in a left and right pistol pouch. Unfortunately, the left hand wasn't sculpted into a pistol shooting stance but just a normal "grasp" hand. Therefore when mounted on a pistol, it doesn't look quite natural. The rifle used here is a self addition. I used a German WWII Gewehr 43 (G43) model from DML, sand papered away the paint and repainted the stock black. Also painted on the "NW" stencil on the butt. I selected the G43 because of the old school simplistic design. But not too simple like a single shot loaded rifle. G43 uses a magazine clip.Simple with a little modern bit, just perfect for apocalyptic type character like this one.

Thrice Naut (Kim) is underneath that removable mask unlike the other de Plumes which had fixed on masks. And because of the removable mask, the helmet can sit quite unnaturally if you don't "press" it down a little. The trick is to first place the helmet over the eye piece, then lower the back to slowly press it down snugly. And you have a bad ass look.
Another of the "funny" look is the belt and pouches were on the outside of the coat by factory default. It just look cartoony to display it that way. So I remove the belt and relocate it onto the inside of the coat. That looks a hundred times better for me.
It is a very cool figure overall. The twin hoses are nice FTW design. And it is definitely better to have a pair with different contrast color instead of those like the OG, Blanc and Shadow NOM Commanders.
Next up (hopefully) is the Daywatch NOM Commanders. Got to find a nice looking weapon for him as well...

1 comment:

Fung said...

really like your picture on the NW! =)