August 18, 2011

ThreeA 3A Ashley Wood WWRp NIGHTWATCH Heavy Bramble MK3

This is one of the four on sale on Bambalandstore for San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC) 2011 exclusive "Recycles". A small quantity of these were set aside to be put into Bambalandstore for sale after SDCC 2011 mainly giving those that aren't able to attend the Con a chance to own a sample of the Con's exclusive. Some argue that it defeat the purpose of having "exclusives" when you can (have a chance to) buy it even if you don't attend. Depend on which side you are in, I definitely welcome this gesture.
29 July 2011, 9am HK time, is the drop date and such sales knowingly are, to put it meekly, fast and furious. I think my chance is only on securing 1 item and I aimed for APTK Unleash YO! 4 pack and would be lucky to just get that. Who knows the item start appearing at 8:53am and I was right there right then. Scored the APTK and Bambaland was slow due to the heavy traffic. After APTK in the bag, went back to hope to score this one. Never knew I stood any chance at all but against all odds, I got this as well! Such luck!
This sale will go down as the most memorable sale I had because I am suppose to pick up my newborn son at the hospital the same day. The little bugger may have brought me some luck on this :)

This Bot was previously offered in 1:6 scale and this smaller version came with everything the 1:6 bigger brother has. All joints were firm and good. Weathering are superb as well but just like it's big brother, the paint isn't quite dry on some location notably the back but no big deal as it will dry in time to come. Just need to be careful not to leave any finger print mark on it before it dries. It stood well with the big launcher on its shoulder, all thanks to the firm joints. And the little dagger is a good touch.
Bramble is my favorite WWR Bot design as compares to the other existing designs - Armstrong, Bertie, Martin & Dropcloth. Always love burly, stout bot. When you have the NW and there is a DW available, people will ask if it is coming in to join up. Yes it is! DW Heavy Bramble MK3 is also a SDCC 2011 exclusive but it is not 3A's but IDW. Got one off eBay at twice its original price... no choice I guess.
When it comes in, gotta have to take a pict of them 2 together.

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