June 5, 2010

Medicom Kamen Rider Old No.1 Ver 3.0 (旧 1 号)

Kamen (Masked) Riders formed the core of my collection and I would like to start a formal series of them in this blog. The 10 Medicom DXs classic riders are finally reunited when I got Riderman, the final piece of the 10, in January this year.
This KR Old No.1 will formally kick start this series. To give some background to this Medicom figure, there were a total of 5 DXs version released. Ver 1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 and 3.1 (with cyclone). The one shown here is a Ver 3.0. I also own a Ver 2.0 but the pleather suit had since deteriorated. Ver 3.0 used a different material for the suit and though it felt like inferior material but I think Medicom realize the peeling issue with the older material and thus uses this which looking at the material itself doesn't seem peel-able :) Time will tell.

Medicom is notorious for charging very high price for figures with mediocre quality. But they are the only one making Kamen Riders and we are all at their mercy. And to top it up for their over rated prices, their body are super fragile which can break if not handled delicately. Hence not much extreme pose can be achieve here.

Notice the belt switch were mounted upside down? LOL!! One of the "good" quality Medicom practiced. Does this makes mine a variant? Maybe it can fetch me more money if I decided to sell it - NOT!

I felt that this is the nicest of all the versions as the helmet sculpt is more closer to a human head proportion. Ver 1 through Ver 2.1 had rounder helmet sculpt that looks like a ping pong ball. Till the next installment - HENSHIN!!

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