November 15, 2009

SAR21 - Singapore Assault Rifle scratch build

I wouldn't know if the word "scratch build" is an entirely correct word to use since I actually modified it with a British SA80 as base. Structurally, both weapon seems to share many similarities. It just makes perfect sense to use the SA80 as a base to proceed And so I begin with a 21st Century (aka The Ultimate Soldier) SA80 and started the cutting and grinding down the details to make way for the SAR21's details later on. Steps follow through : Front and back, it took me about 2 wks getting to the last part spending about 1 - 1.5 hrs a day working on it. Not the best replica but the shape is there already. Either I can stop here or can go on refining the details which is something that usually will be done when customizing a part. But my interest kinda wanes a little so I'll just shelved this project for the time being. Trial fitting on scales to a figure : Conclusion : I gave myself 51/100 for this project. Just passed since I got the shape out which if you took a picture from afar shunning the details, it does looks quite believable LOL!! However, being what it is supposed to be, still some way to go. Till then =)

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