November 2, 2014

Hasbro Star Wars 6" Black Series Prototype Boba Fett (Walgreen Exclusive)

From Wikipedia :
Boba Fett stems from initial design concepts for Darth Vader, who was originally conceived as a rogue bounty hunter. While Vader became less a mercenary and more of a dark knight, the bounty hunter concept remained, and Fett became "an equally villainous" but "less conspicuous" character. Concept artist Ralph McQuarrie influenced Fett's design, which was finalized by and is credited to Joe Johnston. Fett's armor was originally designed for "super troopers", and was adapted for Fett as the script developed. Screen-tested in all-white, Fett's armor eventually garnered a subdued color scheme intended to visually place him between white-armored "rank-and-file" Imperial stormtroopers and Vader, who wears black. This color scheme had the added bonus of conveying the "gray morality" of his character. The character's armor was designed to appear to have been scavenged from multiple sources, and it is adorned with trophies. A description of the character's armor in the summer 1979 Bantha Tracks newsletter catalyzed "rampant speculation" about the character's mysterious origins.

"White Boba Fett" as it is more commonly called was a concept prototype that actually were made and were shown in a film footage back in 1978. It is not sure if the eventual color of green and grey, which we are all so familiar with now, were painted onto the white base for filming or a separate set of armor was made.
This particular toy is a Walgreen exclusive. One wonders why a Star Wars toy is to be exclusive to a drug / medicine chain but it is. Of course I did not buy this from the US but it is through a chance occurrence in a rent-a-box shop at Causeway Point. There it was sitting nicely in one of the many little pigeon hole boxes at retail price of $39.90 each. There were 2 in the box and when I made payment, there was another one behind the counter.

It uses exactly the same mold of the ESB Fett which is something I had to nitpick on regarding the dents and the dings. This version is supposed to be the super trooper of the Empire and it should have the same immaculate armor as the lesser Stormtroopers. But Hasbro being Hasbro and trying to be cheap on such things, we get what we get.
No elaborations on the articulations and sculpting as it was already covered in the earlier 6" Fett entry.
So there you go. People buy things for their own reasons. Some purist will never buy this as it is never in the film. I buy it simply because it looks nice and is pleasant to my eyes. And you can never have too many Boba Fett in  your collection.


Unknown said...

Which shop at Causeway Point bro?

Yee said...

It was at level 4 just beside Food Republic. Sorry I didn't know the store's name.