October 30, 2014

Hasbro Star Wars 6" Black Series Wave 4 #06 ESB Boba Fett

From Wookiepedia :
Boba Fett was a Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter. He was a clone of the famed Jango Fett, created in 32 BBY as the first of many Fett replicas designed to become part of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was raised as Jango's son. Jango taught Boba much, training him to become a skilled bounty hunter as was his father-figure before him. In 22 BBY, Jango was killed at the Battle of Geonosis, which opened the Clone Wars. Just a boy, Boba was forced to grow up and took to traveling the galaxy. Later, he became a bounty hunter and took assignments from beings such as Jabba the Hutt, and achieved notoriety despite his young age.

Another case of patience being of real virtue. Image of this 6" version of this famous bounty hunter was first available during SDCC earlier this year. It was a Hasbro SDCC convention exclusives and came as a 2 pack with Han Solo pre-frozen in Carbonite block. The name "Boba Fett" alone sells and needless to say, everyone wanted one. I wanted one but wouldn't pay the exorbitant eBay price.
Hasbro later announced that a single pack Fett will be made available to retail as a Wave 4 release (which also includes Anakin Jedi, Phase I Clonetrooper, Stormtrooper). Needless to say, Fett never see the light of day on a peg in retail outlets. It was sold in specialty shop but you need to buy the entire wave as a set or pay above retail just for Fett. Almost got one when I was offered $50/- for it but decided to walk away after much deliberations.
On a chance outing with the family, a quick check at the toy department reaped a rare surprise. Fett was right there and to put icing on the cake, it was on a 20% discount. That Boba Fett is now staring at you in this posting :)

Articulations :
Score : 2.5/5
This version of Boba Fett's articulations are quite disappointing. It is mostly due to the design and the entirely plastic molded details. I counted a total of 14 points of articulations.
Fett's elbow can raised to a maximum of 90deg. The thighs are unable to swing forward due to the molded hip pouches being in the way.because of these, quite a lot of posing opportunities are lost, made impossible or simply unnatural. Fett is best posed standing straight with both hands clutching his blaster rifle.

Sculpting :
Score : 4/5
This is Boba Fett! Hasbro has achieved immaculate sculpting on it's 3.75" version and needless to say for this bigger scaled Fett, Hasbro has greater exploit their capability. Area of commend are the sculpting of the supposedly cloth part. The cloth's natural characteristics are all sculpted with finest. Little details like the waist (grenade?) pouches has all the details there. The dents and dings too.
The only complain are the hinge holes on the legs spoiling the overall aesthetic.

Paintworks :
Score : 4/5
Another area where Hasbro excel in this figure. Great care of paint applications are considered and each little details that are suppose to be in a shade of color are applied accordingly. Very little to no paint bleeding. The weathering is a challenge that Hasbro has to take up for Boba Fett and it was done well. Although there are room for improvement but it was generally done well. Paint chipping where it should and very subtle dirt all over.

Accessories :
Score : 4/5
Boba Fett came with only his essentials. But there is nothing much else you need. I couldn't really think of anything else that can be added in but no harm for Hasbro to just throw in something extra even if there is no relationship to the character. More is better than less in such instances.

Overall :
Score : 3/5
Although this has scored "4" in 3 out of 4 categories, the lack of articulations means the reduction in "playability". And it can't be pose in many desired position for display. However, just simply by having Fett standing straight beside Vader is an awesome sight to behold.
If you are a Star Wars fan, this is a must own figure. 6" is just so very much more fun than a 3.75".

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