October 3, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel Nefarious Ten Fingers Gang No.2

My Finger member 2 is the adviser to King Thumb. Just like how Bib Fortuna is to Jabba the Hutt. It doesn't particularly carries any specific weapon as it's processor is tuned more to the intellectual thinking part rather than weaponry expertise. So it is capable of utilizing any form of weapons but never an expert in wielding them.

Found this wind-breaker in my spare box and it actually is a US WW2 garb. I had it painted in olive drab previously but the acrylic paint couldn't hold well to the fabric hence given it a rustic old look. Exactly the result I want for Finger 2.

Well I have nothing much more to say about the Finger gang since this one is essentially the exact replica of the others with just a different color.
During Charkin sale, Ashley Wood sketched a Finger member with a huge tank for a flamethrower. I may custom make the tank and mount it onto my orange Finger. I'm all fired up to have a go at it, just need to find some time...

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