September 12, 2012

ThreeA + Valve PORTAL Weighted Companion Square

So which category does this little fella fits into actually? Is it WWR? I don't know. Is it Valve in totality? Absolutely not. This is a 3A & Valve collaboration and the very first merchandise, together with the Sandvich, to be made and up for purchase.
3A just recycled the supposedly already *retired* WWR Square MK1 design and slap on Valve's PORTAL's Weighted Companion Cube decals/design on. Now those who came on board the 3A train about just recently thought it will be a superb chance to own a MK1 design without the need to pay secondary market (cut throat) price for one can postpone their happy dance a little because, this is going to be a San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC) 2012 3A's Exclusive. In another words, hard to get.
However, 3A is graceful enough to offer some quantity to their webstore (Bambalandstore) after SDCC so that those who aren't manage to go to the con are given a chance to own one, albeit in very limited quantity.

Yours truly is one of those who did not, and will not, attend SDCC since we were like thousands of miles apart and I wasn't hardcore enough like some of the other collectors. So I tried my luck, as usual, at Bambalandstore and got what I wanted.

Turns out the allotted quantity wasn't pre-made for SDCC but will be freshly made after the ordering process. And because of this, the ordering was pretty stress-free. This item stayed on at Bambalandstore for a good 15 mins or so before finally taken off the ordering screen. That was massive time given it is an exclusive and comparing last year's SDCC's allotment and RVHK allotment a few months back.

I truly believe this is the final chance for anyone who would want to own an MK1 square and paying retail price for one. The decal design has followed quite faithfully to the original Companion Cube's design though there are still a few differences. There seems to also has a blue version and I wonder if 3A will make that version sometime down the road. If they do, it makes sense to have it in a MK2 design. We'll see.

There are some nice symbol decals printed on the left and back side of the square and apparently, there are variations of other symbol design as well. So that makes the square a bit unique from the others.
I love it that it has one pink leg and it gave the square some alternate look at different angle. And that is not something new either as we also have different colored legs for Peaceday MK1 square. Don't think I need to further elaborate on the MK1 design.

Weathering is not overly done and I feel that it is just right. Always is harder to put weathering onto a predominantly white colored design and 3A comes through nicely on this square.

Final Word
It is not frequent that you get something you really like and to know that it is a show's exclusive made it a little bit more special. 3A has release quite a fair bit of MK1s design but I only have EMGY and Peaceday and wanted a Deimos but none is being made. So I thought the 2 MK1s I had are good enough. The companion square comes along and I knew I have to have it and I fell in love with it's design almost instantly. It now has a permanent space inside my display cabinet and it will stay displayed as long as I am still into 3A/Ashley Wood stuffs.

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