October 26, 2011

ThreeA 3A Ashley Wood WWR Grunt Desert 666th

The Grunt, much anticipated, and also the record breaking wait for it to arrive. A total of 235 days surpassing the previous record holder - Little Shadow - that took 200 days. A month plus more. But was the wait worth it? Hmm.... can't really say so but the Grunts are good figures nevertheless.
Just as I expected, the only place the faction logo can appear on is on the helmet and nowhere else. I would think it should also be on the arm shield but that never happen.
The Grunt is loaded with gear. A first time a 3A figure has so many things going on it. 2 pouches strapped to the right arm and 1 to the left. Plethora of pouches around the belt and a velcro on of 4 chest pouches. A armored vest, 3/4 length coat and a T-shirt.
What I do was to remove the arm's pouches and relocate them to the thighs. Remove the 3/4 coat, rolled it up and strapped on to the back butt pack (see pict 2 in this set). Remove the helmet liner and the outcome is what you see in this picture.
Desert 666th Grunt came with 2 primary weapons (shotgun and smg) and a secondary weapon in a pistol which the pouch can be valcroed to the chest armor piece. But I prefer to mount it on the belt.
Overall, the Grunt is a good figure but I still prefer the simpler design figures that first got me attracted to the Ashley Wood's / 3A collaboration. The good thing is that the gear are removable. I can actually strip down the Grunt to it's basic of just a T-shirt, pants, boots, gas mask and helmet. But meanwhile, I'll just keep him the way it is.

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