March 10, 2010

Review : Hasbro GI Joe Ripcord

When we talk about Hasbro's 1:6 scale action figure, we know they are mostly meant for children ie hardy & basic. This one doesn't step out of that rule much. So when it was out on the shelf, it tagged at $49.9 which is quite ridiculous if you ask me. A few months down the road, they were on sale - not surprisingly. Bought one at $10 and intend to give it to my son (2 yr old) once I am done fiddling it. Perhaps Ripcord can become a figure to trigger his interest later on in his life :p

OK, just a quick review :

Body - is standard Hasbro's body without any new breakthrough. I really like the "kungfu" grip concept. The index finger and the other 3 fingers are hinged seperately so that you can curl the fingers over the weapon's grip and the index finger into the trigger and it grip well. Much better than rubber bendy hands. But we will have to be content with the ugly exposed hinge mechanism.

Headsculpt - The sculpt is pretty well done however the paint job is standard Hasbro. I'm not sure if a good sculpt painter comes along, it could turn into something useful. However, it looks a tad small as compares to the usual sculpts from other 1:6 companies. But it is comparable to Soldier Story's head size.
Accessories - Armour on the torso is removable rubber piece while those on the arm are sculpted on (non removable unless filed off permanently). The boots are sculpted very toylike but that is within expectation. He only come with a M16A2 rifle with non removable ammo magazine. But us 1:6 buffs will not bother about weapons from Hasbro.

Overall - not something I will pay more than $15 for. Good as a gift to children but otherwise, waste of display space. Verdict hardly surprising eh? :)

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