The Leichter Panzerspähwagen (German: roughly "light armoured reconnaissance vehicle") was a series of light four-wheel drive armoured cars produced by Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1944.
Designed to meet operational requirements including reliability, run on a variety of grades of fuel, simple construction and good off-road performance the first such vehicle was the Sd Kfz 221 but this proved too small and too lightly armed, so in 1936-37 a heavier version was planned, using one of two standard chassis for four-wheel armoured cars, one with a front-mounted engine, the other rear-mounted version, was used in the Sd Kfz 222, which became the standard light armoured car in German army service until the defeat of Nazi Germany.

If you would notice the "Rev.3" indication under the title text, it tells a simple tale that this is the 3rd incarnation build of this model. It retains 75% (roughly) of the original design while the rest are modified with reference to the various excellent MOC model of this same vehicle in the internet.
At this point of time, I am quite satisfy with this "final" version and will not spend anymore time on further modification / upgrade, unless some new design bricks are available and are able to add to further to the detail matching the actual design.
This version is almost same as Rev.3 and it stays as how it is for awhile while I was hunting around for some light grey 2x2 slope bricks. Need 4 for 1 vehicle. Someone at Carousell was selling just the bricks (original Lego brick) and I jump on it quickly. While swapping out the black slope bricks, the opportunity presents to allow a further look see and bits and pieces replacement here and there for the next revision.
Strictly speaking, this model is already an upgrade from the original vehicle I got off Taobao. However, the original vehicle is still very much intact. Therefore the original version should be "Rev.0".
The first thing that comes to my mind was that the co-axial machine gun (a MG32) is missing and it needs to be in this model. Secondly, the turret should have 8 sides angled slope down. It is not easy to recreate this in Lego designed bricks or maybe impossible. However, these 2 areas need to be fixed even if it can only get close to the original design.
To me, this is one of the most difficult - if not THE most difficult - model to recreate in Lego bricks. The hard level gets compounded when it need to be in minifigure scale. But there are lots of talented MOC builder around that made excellent model of this vehicle.
Following are a couple of inspirational MOC that defy the impossible.
Pieter Engels SdKfz 222
His model is arguable the best of the best out there. I don't think you can come any closer than this MOC. If Pieter would make a build instruction, I'd be the first in line to buy it. Couple of pictures of his amazing work.
Custom Bricks SdKfz 222
If anything, this would be my No.2 right behind Pieter's model. The difference between them is this Custom Bricks (CB) model are in fact for retail. So you can actually own it if you can pay for one. The price is quite affordable too. I bought the instructions just for a look see on the build techniques. I was impress.
CB offer a Light Grey and Sand Yellow version.
Brickmania SdKfz 222
Now this is not one that I will recommend. When I first check out Brickmania's Youtube video release of this model, I was in anticipation. But what a letdown this version is. Given their high standards, I believe they can make a much better model.
Well you know, the usual response will be the cost of making this model and how expensive it can be. Build it a little more basic to make it affordable. Yeah, I know that. But come on, look at CB's version and they are charging like about 1/2 of what this guy is charging and you can tell so much more effort has gone into making that CB's model.
This is a real disappointment. Take a look yourself and be your own judge.
I do believe there are a lot more talented people out there who can also build an excellent representation of this vehicle. Not everyone will share on the internet I guess. Nevertheless, I am happy to finally have a Lego build model of this vehicle, one of my favorite WW2 armour vehicle design,
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