July 13, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel Nefarious Ten Fingers Gang No.10

I was expecting a huge parcel when my Faux Pact (the whole 11 figures of the Nefarious 10 Fingers Gang) arrives and a possible GST charges since the set is over $500. But surprisingly, the package is just about the same size as 2000AD's Mongrol and no GST charge. 3A must have under declare it's value prior to shipment.
Will start out with the member I love most - Finger Gang No.10.

As usual with 3A products, I always try to include an additional piece or two of equipment to just spice it up a little. Here, I have given No.10 a Hot Toys (oversize) M203 grenade launcher on a M16 rifle. It was originally in desert yellow and I've added some weathering and a wash of Tamiya flat yellow to make it how it looks like in these picture.
The robotic hands articulated with articulated fingers are a big plus to this design and improve the playability and poseability tremendously. Grabbing of the rifle looks natural with those movable fingers.
Had wanted to give No.10 a M1917A1 30cal water cooled machine gun (1/6 model kit by Dragon Models) but it was out of stock. WW2 equipment suits such post apocalyptic timeline better I reckon. No.10 will have it if I can find one eventually but meanwhile, the M16 should do the trick.

Weathering on No.10 is the usual ThreeA standards but it seem these days, only 1 color was used to weather fabric. I believe in the early days, at least 2 or even 3 colors were used. As the company grew and order multiplies, corners has to be cut. That is just how it is.
No.10 originally came with 4 x de Plume esque pistols. 2 on it's belt and another 2 strapped around it's calf either side. The white pouches somewhat matches up with the primary yellow so it isn't too bad though I would prefer it to be black (consistent with EMGY's) or even yellow.
All the members had white pouches and I can't help but think that it isn't by design but by convenience. I've bought fabric paints and had a thought of painting the pouches over to match the suit's color. But pouches materials in polyester probably can't absorb the paint that well. Not sure if I should make the jump cos I really wanted the red finger to have red pouches. Anyway, I'll talk more about it when I review the red guy.
The white hands also baffles me a little. It has a matching colored body but why make the hands white? I think the painting should be reverse to have the back of the hands yellow and the inside, white. As you can see from the picture here, it is in the reverse.
There is also a black T-Shirt underneath the jumper that has a "10 FG" printed within a white circle. All 10 Fingers had the same one except for King Thumb. Again, a case of convenience I guess.

Well, Ashley Wood said these are how the Zombots should looked like in the first place. But I think there is still charm in the original Zombot design. At least I really like the simplicity in design.
I feel there are some lost opportunities with these Finger Gangs to make them even better like some of the points mentioned earlier. However, it has given a platform for individual to do some thinking and a challenge to make each gang member unique from the other other than just a color shade (and weapon of choice) difference. I sometimes wonder if this is the true intention.

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