April 10, 2010

The Lone Sentry

The lone Afghan Mujahideen Northern Alliance sentry watching over a pathway leading towards the Panjshir valley. It was a lonely thankless job and each session could be the last for these battle hardened people. Armed with mostly Soviet equipment, he stare out into the open, "when will there be absolute peace in my country?"

These pictures were taken back in Dec 2007 with both Yan and Kenneth. Man it seems just like yesterday when it all happen. The outdoor photoshoot was meant to be SAS in Afghanistan theme and so is the main bulk of pictures taken of our SAS troops. I brought this guy along thinking of taking some personal pictures during our breaks. But the terrain and the terrible terrible uncle Sun isn't too merciful on us. It was an energy sapping affair but we had fun, yeah.. we had fun.
Some studio shots of this Northern Alliance Fighter here.

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