Continuing my recent Hot Toys Movie Maniac Series (MMS) capture, here is another one from the Terminator Salvation franchise. Been watching this figure since its release and the price for a new piece is only coming down from a retail price of S$230 to S$215 and to S$170 (at eBay.sg) where it stood its ground.Hot toys released quite a few T-600 versions but I am only keen on the original standard version hence I am a happy man at finally gotten a piece after such a long courtship.

The detail put into this figure is mind boggling and previously, I wonder the kind of articulation it can achieve when it has such delegate hinges and piston parts. Having it in hand finally broken the myth. Though the articulations is still not as agile as say a humanoid body but I had to give it to HT for achieving what they achieve with this guy.
I have taken the batteries out after confirming the eye does light up. Don't want the leaking battery to ruin the function.
Nothing much to say about the vulcan 6 barrel chain gun. Not really a care about it but a fine piece nevertheless. Perhaps I should sell the chain gun ... hmm ... perhaps ;)

Take a peak inside and you can tell the level of detail put into the figure. Good work by HT. The paint job is also superbly done. Really couldn't find anything to nit pick about for it.

Lastly, just look at that intimidating size. Imagine how difficult it is to "kill" a T-800, which is of normal human stature, and you can be forgiven to just run for your dear life if you come upon this... erm.. guy.
HT specs says it stood at 14" (same height as the
Big Chap) but I think it is just a tad under 14.
A worthy piece that should be on every 1:6 collectors display shelf. Buy it now when the price is good. When the stock starts to dwindle, it will definitely go back up again.
You can read in more details of the preview of this item over at
I did the same thing...I waited till the price came down before I purchased mine. I wanted it for so long, but need much patience. Great review. You are very articulate and well spoken. =]
Thanks again :) As the saying goes, all good comes to those who wait. Not always the case for HT stuffs though LOL. Hope you enjoy your piece as much as I enjoys mine.
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