November 10, 2012

Kre-O Transformers 36421 Autobot Bumblebee

Finally took the plunge and bought this version of Kre-O Bumblebee at a discounted discounted rate. I believe when it was first up on retailer's shelf, the asking price was $69.9 each. It was marked down some time back to $47. And another 20% off that during Metro store-wide sale.
Not the first Transformers Kre-O I got with Jazz (31146) and the stripped down Optimus Prime (31143) and I wasn't impress with them too much to want to go more into this line. Sub par product box pictures doesn't help in promoting them that much either.
Until I bought some clearance price Kre-O Battleship sets that I started to be more curious about the Transformers line again. A few youtube reviews and I'm off to the shop.

Before I go on writing miles and miles of comments, I better state up front that this model shown here are with added bits. I will elaborate the added bits later in the text.

The build was enjoyable enough though it can be a little repetitive on building the arms and the legs. Never attempted the vehicle mode cos I don't really care about it at all. Robot mode will be permanent here. And Kre-O did indicate in it's box that these aren't transformable but you can build it in one mode, tear it down and will be able to build to another mode.

There are quite a fair bit of parts left after completing the robot mode Bumblebee. I reckon vehicle Bee should be more complex to build ie with more parts. Some people complain that there are too much spare left but I think otherwise. It is not easy to design a robot and car using the same sets of bricks. Robot and car are such different things and really a big kudos to Kre-O Transformers design team.

After completing the standard build, one area I felt truly lacking is on it's thighs. Too skinny and simple. Just 2 blocky chunks sorta give Bumblebee a top heavy feel. So I look into the remaining spares and thought the wheel guards could beef up the thigh a little. Picked them up and fit it in, looks great.
The wheels that came with the set looking el-cheapo. Just a piece of molded plastic hollow inside. Where are the rubber tires? Removed those and replaced with Lego wheels with rubber tires. Looks better but alas! Lego Yellow isn't the same shade as Kre-Os. Lego ones are lighter lemon yellow while Kre-Os ones are towards a orangy hue.  Will replace with grey rims wheels when I can find some.
I tried to incorporate all the spares into the model but some bigger piece can't fit anywhere without making Bee looking funky and out of shape. As hard as I tried, still left about 10 odd pieces unused.
Lego bricks fits perfectly and seamlessly. Just had to mention this.

A picture for scale comparison. Kre-O minifigs (Kre-Ons) are about the same size as Lego minifigs. You can pretty much gauge the height, size and bulk of Bumblebee here.
Kre-O bricks are of good quality but I can't say it compares to Lego, still some distance away I should say. But they fit well and sturdily enough. Holding strength of the bricks are not as firm as Lego and parts tends to fall off while attempt to pose the model.
Ball joints aren't as tight as I would like them to and due to the weight of the model, it is not easy to hold a dynamic position and stayed as that position. The running stance on the box art are certainly unachievable without additional support.

Conclusion and ratings for 36421 Bumblebee
I'm benchmarking against Lego as they are still the market leader in this genre of construction toys.

Brick's quality - 8/10

Brick's buildability - 9.5/10
     > I want to elaborate on this point. I've build China's bootleg Lego before and some bricks just can't close in fully leaving a gap in between. Nothing of that sorts happen with this Kre-O set. Every bricks fit snugly and cleanly.

Design (bot mode only) - 9/10
    > The only reason I did not give a full score is for the skinny thigh based on it's original design. But with the added wheel guards, they look better. And also because of the added "meat", the entire robot gives a very comfortable proportion. A Lego type construction toys that build a robot that looks like a robot, I'm impressed.
Couldn't give ratings for vehicle mode and probably never will. Bumblebee will stay in bot mode in my house.

Build instructions - 9/10
    > As good as it can get. Just sometimes the color indication on the bricks are kinda confusing.

Definitely gonna get more Kre-O Transformers. Many of the sets are on marked down prices and this is probably the best time to get some. Need a Megatron in my callection, gotta hunt one down.

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