November 8, 2012

ThreeA Adventure Kartel Charkin!

"IRON RICHARD’S first war decree, burn that filthy pumpkin patch! The Robot King never thought from the charred smouldering landfill would a more powerful Pumpkin thing arise in the form of CHARKIN ZOMBKIN!"
We were later told that the Finger Gang were sent to scorched the pumpkin field. How does a burnt pumpkin looks like? Behold the arisen of the Charkin!

Charkin was out at Bambaland store for order on 1st Oct. There were pre-made qty and also some will be made to order when the pre-made quantity ran out. And the made to order Charkin, which will ship in December, "will have different boxes and maybe sumin else, who knows!" Exactly what that something else is/are, nothing is said after.
My intention was to get the pre-made ones and I managed just that. It pops up at Bambaland at around 8:45am, almost 15mins earlier than the said 9am. By 9am, all pre-made qty were sold out.

Charkin arrives on 22 Oct, just 20 days after the sale. Ample time prior to Halloween.
It essentially is a Zombkin with just a different paint scheme and a different shirt. Nothing outside of expectation. But the Charkin / Zombkin are natural photogenic. Took it out in the open for some outside shots instead of the usual boring indoor ones. Love the effect and the pictures turned out excellent.

It came packaged exactly the same as Zombkin too with shredded brown paper. And residue of the paper pulp got left on its shirt giving it a dirty look. I was rummaging through the shredded stuffs hoping to find a surprise 1/12 Charkin but as a fact, there is none. Well, no 3A special pleasant surprises there. Would be cool and fun if some random 1/12 were inserted into the box for a few lucky customers. 3A is getting less fun by the days...
I love Charkin but I a little more for the Zombkin for it's vibrant orange. But at least the figure is significant in a sense that it commemorates Halloween 2012. Now I'm looking forward if 3A will continue the Halloween tradition for next year. Prior to that, I want to know what we will have for Christmas this year. Gosh! Lolli seems like it happened only yesterday. Time flies...

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