October 19, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Action Portable Yellow Hornets Yo!

Nothing, just thought of finally putting up pictures of my AP Yellow Hornets Yo set I gotten in a trade some months back. One of the very very few 3A stuffs that managed in a trade. It is so hard to really agree on a swap these days as the secondary value of this stuffs are like a roller coaster - up down up down. Anyway, here they are.

This is nothing but a fun set that's all. Can't fit into any of my existing weathered 3A stuffs and that is why I skipped their 1/6 version, dropped at bambalandstore on 17 Oct 2012, totally. 1/12 is suffice for my collection. Furthermore, I like them all in OG hair/headsculpt.
The Hornets came with 2 Katanas each but never displayed with these pictures. They are a boy band after all, lover not a fighter sort hey!

The only (two) gripes I had about these 1/12 Hornets are that the zipper on their tracky blouse aren't able to unhinge at the bottom. So when you unzipped the blouse all the way down, it got stuck right at the back. Looking weird that way. Another is the lose ankle ball n socket fit. It came off almost readily. Pose with care.

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