October 11, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel f-Legion 0024491 Cyborg

For the first time a 1/6 figure is being offered as part of the year’s membership package. And because of this, the price of a membership package rose from USD150 in 2011 to USD180 this year. The good thing is if you are a 3AA in 2011, the discount applies for 2012 renewal.
Except introduction of the f-Legion

"A relic from the Northern Suburb wars, the only remaining member of F-Legion.
F-LEGION were experimental cyborgs designed to help the ADF against the hoards of robots pillaging the northern suburbs of New Andria!
024491 was the only member to return from the mysterious Robot Island after an ill-fated assault. 024491 has never spoken of the mission and to this day still carries on his prime directive to protect the northern suburbs from all the trouble merchants and shit stirrers."

Who knows what f-Legion actually means? Some say it is Ashley Wood’s distaste for a group of people who started the facebook 3A BST. The “f” in the logo really does look like the facebook’s “f” if you ask me.
You could also say that it as a flying curse for those - facebook BST - people and called them “F” legion if you know what I mean
Equally baffled is the "0024491" numbering. Could it be the 24491th cyborg in the army that assault on Robot Island? Or is that number meaning something else. But whatever the reason for how the name is given as such, I'm not stressing over it.

When I first fiddled with the figure, I love it instantly. That zipper mask makes him look way sinister and it fits his image I conjured up reading that snippets. However, I don’t like the face sculpt. Not that it look bad or anything but I can’t fit him anywhere within the Adventure Kartel (AK) crew. So I prefer to have his mask on all the time.
The big velcro piece that is supposed to hold the hood together is really an eyesore when you are flipping the hood up. Don't know why 3A wouldn't just make the zupper up all the way. Maybe a case of cost cutting or material availability not sure. But the existing design doesn't really makes much sense.

The pair of jeans is another item worth mentioning. It actually looks like a straight cut and not the usual skinny tight jeans synonymous with Tommy Mission and Little Shadow. This gave the f-legion better poseability though again, is another departure from the AK nom, a welcome one albeit.

F-Legion doesn't come with any other accessory apart from the plastic molded basedball bat. Many complain about the material used and the ugly mold parting line around the bat. Wood is a much better material to use. However, I'm ok of the part. Not the best, can be better, but not complaining.

The figure is as good as it is. Plain, simple yet functional. The only thing is that it being not too AK-ish for my liking. The sculpt is too serious instead of being closer to the goofy side.

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