September 1, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Popbot Tomorrow King Oyabun Ono

Excepts taken from ThreeA Wiki : Tomorrow Kings (TK) are male clones, from the Popbot Universe who were created by Luthor Bean Jr. originally used for corporate takeovers. These "Elvis ronin" were created to slay all monsters & ghouls with Luthor Bean Sr.'s Ion Engine that escaped Earth. They are also used to fight the Mortis.
They are so iconic that it becomes ironic as this is only the second TK discussed in this blog. The first one being Heavy TK Soh which is the very first ThreeA figure I had in hand and is also the first ThreeA product entry here back in 2010. Took me 2 years before another TK made an appearance here.

Here is TK Oyabun Pathfinder Ono which is a BBICN store exclusive. But I got it via TFH here in SIngapore which had close affiliation with BBICN and I believe some other online store has it in stock at some point of time. Not so exclusive if you ask me.
Oyabun are typify by their puffy cold weather jacket and Ono has one camoed jacket too. However I don't really like the patterned jacket, prefer plain. So I omit it from Ono. Without the jacket, he look no different from other "generic" TKs.
Here, I've decided to re-assign Ono and made him an Archer TK. Together with his trusty sidekick, the Nabler, they are a fearsome duo. Nabler using its big cycloptic eye to spot target while Ono with his robotic single shot, single kill rate. Their slogan, "You can run, you can hide, but you cannot live".

Another testimony on how sturdy a ThreeA body is. Ono is standing on 1 feet totally unsupported. Just get the CG right and he stand steady.

When he is not on his bow & arrow, there are his trusty katanas all ready by his side ready to slice.
Ono is one of the, if not the only, most under rated TK and nobody really talk much about him. If he is some show exclusives, I'm sure it will be a totally different story. Ono is special to me and I do like him (except for that camo jacket). Luckily only the Jacket is camoed and the other gear are spared.
So I'm looking forward to adding another TK into my collection come end of September when KDA TK will be checking onto Bambalandstore. Be sure to be there if you want a piece of TK action.


soulstayer said...

nice bear!~

Fung said...

Superb work ! I had the same thing that ono is extremely underrated ! Just grab mine and plan to do some customize on him too. =)

Yee said...

Thanks soulstayer and Fung :)