August 18, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel Nefarious Ten Fingers Gang No.8

Next Finger gang up is the White No.8. Basically the same with all the other Fingers in terms of accessories and it was differentiated from the others with an overall primary White color scheme. And whatever I wanted to talk about the Finger character has in one way or the other already covered in my very first Finger posting reviewing a member No.10.

No.8 came with a stock machete but I wanted to give the finger gang more firepower considering they are in Robot Island and a heavy hitting machine gun may give the gang an edge for suppress fire support. Can go the easy way of giving it a usual MG42, MG34, M249 or an M240 GPMG but those doesn't look convincing enough or or the design is not too "busy" to be suited for Adventure Kartel universe. Hence I go for this M1917A1 30cal water cooled machine gun which is originally intended to have it for No.10. Managed to find a DML's 1/6 kit for cheap and No.8 is chosen to hump it. The M1917A1 has a simplistic design, and that big water cooling barrel chamber with minimum details are most appropriate.

The shoes were swapped with No.5 (Black) and it's original boots, which is painted black, went to No.8. I think it make better sense to have the predominantly white No.8 has a pair of white painted boots and the black No.5 have the black boots.
Wished I could strike better poses for this but my mind is currently blank of ideas. Need to buy books on dynamic poses for ideas really...
On to the next Finger!


soulstayer said...

i admired ur creativity man!~ thanks for the review :)

Yee said...

Thanks buddy. I re-read the whole entry and actually noticed my writings were everywhere in every direction and short of making much sense LOL! Need to edit given some time.