August 20, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel Nefarious Ten Fingers Gang No.5

Black always work on a 1/6 figure be it military type, civilian type or robot type. Black is somewhat generic, some love them, some thought they fit in well, some just need some black in their collection to add a more serious tone. Finger no.5 is one such figure. I would however prefer it to be blacker ie all black on the head with white number text etc, along the design idea for Shadow Zombot. But since it has to retain a certain consistency with the rest of the Finger gang, I can understand why it is as such.

Continuing my quest for tweaking the Finger Gang to give them a more specific personality (robotinality?! LOL!) I took away 5's white waist pouches. The create good contrast but as I have mentioned earlier, I want to emulate a Shadow Zombot as best I could, so those will have to go. Also swapped out it's original white boots with No.8's black boots.
Inky Tommy is kind enough to lend his sling bag for 5 just for this photo shoot. And Finally, I armed 5 with a pair of cleavers / choppers. Now these weapons are not from No.2 but are custom made myself. My cleavers has a bigger blade than the one from No.2 so I think it look more menacing.
5 will be the silent assassin hiding at one dark corner waiting for it's target. A heavy blow of edge onto nape of neck makes a clean severe - robot or human... be very afraid.

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