January 8, 2011

ThreeA Ashley Wood WWRp Phobos Defence Bramble

Capturing 1 sample of a Bramble is good enough for me to close the book on this model. Not quite a Bot lover so this 1:12 sample suffice. However I'd really prefer the version of Bramble with a 6 barrel chain gun. But this one is a cheaper alternative since it is just released (came with Large Martin 3 x 3 pack A) and I got it at eBay at a very reasonable price.
Price aside, I really like the design of Bramble. It is unique on its own unlike Armstrong and Bertie that shared quite a few things in common most notably the overall shape.
 Yellow is a nice color for a bot. Probably will be keeping just the yellow/desert version of any newer design from this point onwards. Phobos Bramble has a very nice color scheme mainly in dark yellow with red decals. Great color combination if you ask me.
Apart from the visible articulations points you see, I was surprise its torso can also swivel in X-direction. This is something I do not know beforehand until I meddle with it during this photoshoot.
A nifty little Bot overall and am glad I took my chances with him when he was up at eBay. No regrets.

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