January 24, 2011

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel Ankou NLCS

I just got to realize that "Ankou" was actually a character in Anatole La Braz's best selling novel "The Legend of Death".

The Ankou is the henchman of Death(oberour ar maro) and he is also known as the grave yard watcher, they said that he protects the graveyard and the souls around it for some unknown reason and he collects the lost souls on his land. The last dead of the year, in each parish, becomes the Ankou of his parish for all of the following year. When there has been, in a year, more deaths than usual, one says about the Ankou

- War ma fé, heman zo eun Anko drouk. ("on my faith, this one is a nasty Ankou")
Somewhat dark origin isn't it? Nothing dark about this NLCS (Newandria Local Containment Squad) who is garbed in bright orange jumpsuit albeit heavily weathered and dull-ified.

Only the 3rd set of 3A toys I got direct from Bambalandstore.com. It came slightly sooner than Little Shadow by a good 15 days and stood at 185 days from the ordering date. Hope shipment speed will increase for my other pre-ordered figures. Got myself the 3 pack and initially very happy about the decision but now, starting to wonder if it is 1 too many. Nonetheless, the good ol' motto applies immediately - it is better to have and not want it than to want it and not have it. Wise wise wise words I say.
Basically, the Ankou is a very simple design and it is just this simplicity that drew me to them. The clam-hands works really well. Beneath that jumpsuit is a human-sculpted body very similar to HT True Type (could be a true blue TT body though but not interested to find out). And the entire body is painted metallic with all the rusty weathering. Good effort there.
All in all, at about USD73.3 each, it is a good purchase.
Hope to publish the other 2 Ankous I got in the 3 pack in time to come. So stay tune if you like what you see here :)

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