January 5, 2011

ThreeA Ashley Wood Popbot Soot Diver Bot (head) Ver 1.0

This is one post I am not sure to put the header under "3A" or "Custom/Kitbash". But since this figure is only possible with this Soot Diver bot head (that came together with XXXMas TQ Tracey), should be appropriate if this is credited to 3A / Ashley Wood.

Quickly run through how this one comes about. Since I have tons of old DML nude body laying around, thought it best to use one though the feet articulations wasn't that up to par comparing these days standards. The jumpsuit is old cotsworld (or GI Joe) that I got from a grab-bag sale many years ago. To weather and tear it is more bearable than using other higher end stuffs. Furthermore, yellow suit matches the common colorway of 3A toys, is a natural choice. Belt kit are borrowed from Heavy TK Soh.
The "hands" are something I have spent time pondering over. Gundam hands? Lego? Finally end up with a pair of wall hooks. Keep the overall design simple
The last bit are the feet. Again pondering for awhile if I should go the easier way to give it a pair of boots or otherwise. End up sculpting the feet to make it look more "robotic". Will definitely revisit these feet to add more detail and to buff up the size of them to make the appearance more proportional.
Suit were quite weathered with flat black acrylic paint but think the hard light washes away the details, hate taking pictures at night when need to rely on spotlight. I'll leave it till later versions to take better pictures.
White T-Shirt was from my stockpile parts. again, weather it with Acrylic Flat Black, Red Brown and Sand.
"SD" stenciled over the back of the suit were painted on with oil based marker pen. No price for guessing what does "SD" meant. ("S"oot "D"iver if you still doesn't ;) )
Couple of WIP picts to show how this guy actually looks like underneath those clothes.. not too "robotic" eh? LOL!! Till later :)

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