February 16, 2022

Sideshow Toys 1/6 Scale Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back - Bossk

From inside the box :
The dreaded bounty hunter Bossk's reputation as a killer began at birth when he clawed his way out of his own's egg and moments later, devoured each and every one of his unhatched siblings. This display of savage dominances impressed Bossk's father and earned him his name, which, in his native Trandoshan, translate to, 'devours his prey.'

As he matured, Bossk developed a reputation for slaughtering and skinning Wookiees, a Trandoshan tradition that threw him head to head with Chewbacca and Han Solo on several occassions. Their continued run-ins developed into a long-standing rivalry, and when he was approached by Darth Vader to hunt down and capture the Millenium Falcon, Bossk eagerly accepted the opportunity. That particular bounty was denied to Bossk, however, when Han Solo and his friends were tracked by Boba Fett to Bespin's Cloud City after the Battle of Hoth.

Despite his significant loss, his tenure as a bounty hunter was mostly successful, spanning the time period from the Clone Wars and the Dark Times, all the way through the Rebellion and beyond. A true renegade, Bossk's lengthty career found him toe-to-toe with Jabba the Hutt, the Galactic Empire, the Old Republic, and the Jedi Order. Bossk eventually even killed and devoured his own father for leadership of the Bounty Hunter's Guild.

There was a time when Sideshow is like a 1/6 Star Wars figure making machine churning out figures constantly starting from 2006 and it lasted at least 5 years till 2011 before it finally slowed down. Quite an impressive array of characters in the Star Wars Universe were made starting from the obscure ones ie Momaw Nadon (well, this ithorian was obscure at that time), to the almost full lineups of Clone Commanders and troopers. However, human facial sculpts were basic and painting was crude and flat.

Along came Bossk, I supposed is one of the last releases at that era. Bought it used at eBay.sg back in Jun 2013. I was pleasantly surprise that the set is a Sideshow exclusive which includes an all important additional "accessory" in a form of a snarling headsculpt. I will not be exagerrating to claim that it is THE BEST accessory a sideshow exclusive set can have.

Quick runthrough for a basic review.

DESIGN - 3.5/5
I'd go with the not-so-good first. For a start, the weapon gripping hand could be made to hold the weapon more securely. Granted Bossk had just 3 "fingers" and a webbed reptillian like palm, more effort should and can make it grip better. I am using a blutack to hold the blaster grip onto Bossk's palm.
Bossk had a pleather inner shirt (or sort) and same ol' same ol', it had already disintegrated into bits. To be fair, this issue is not uniquely Sideshow's. This product is at least 9 yrs old but pleather peeling seem to be an issue that cannot be solved or there are no motivation to solve it since collectors are still buying up the pleather claded figures (not me anymore). Good thing this accesory is mostly covered up by the white pilot vest so the damage - to the overall aesthetic is reduced to the minimum.
Lastly on those tiny white "wires" running from the chest down to the groin area and split into an inverted "Y". Actual wires were used. Although these wires are quite flexible, it still pretty firm on the shorter length portion and makes articulating the figure cumbersome. Soft flexible "strings" actually preferred here.
But overall Bossk is still looking majestic, especially with his snarling head in place.
Special mentioned on the nails that gave a somewhat transluscent look to it which is really good effect.

We don't get to see a lot about Bossk in ESB and only few frames on the toe and the arms. Fish scales like textures are sculpted on the exposed arms and legs and they are not "flat" but feels like each scale pieces are lifted onto the back of the next scale in front. Truly well done and thoughts defintely were put in.
The true highlight of this set are the heads. It were recreated faithfully and there is really not much to complain about. But if it must, perhaps the sculptor can be more adventurous to tweak a little here and there to make Bossk more menacing. But that is not a fault that can be counted.

First of all, I want to focus on the correctness of the scale's colour. This can potentially be another brown-blue parka Han had in Hoth. In the Empire Strikes Back (ESB) movie, Bossk seem to have a Khaki with a greenish hue. Sideshow's version is an outright
deep yellow with black wash. It is closer to the pictures shown inside "The Star Wars Chronicles". I do believe Sideshow's colour scheme is to be the prop accurate one. And I like this yellow better, goes better with the flight suit.
Black washes were applied over the details on the head, arms, hands, calf and feet that allow the details to pop. Although some additional shades of yellow can be dry brushed onto it to add "layers". Still good job on the painting.

Early Sideshow bodies leave alot to be desired. Once I tried to pose it with one foot stepping on a raised object with body leaned forward elbow resting on thigh. Quite extreme movement done and it totally messed up the dangling wires (see "Design") and sent them twisting out of wack. Eventually the desired pose wasn't achieve.
It is perhaps unfair to blame it on articulations but how this figure is designed and the material used hurt the articulation. So... yeah.

I love accessories that gives the character an added attitude. Snarling head is a prize really and the set also provide a pair of raised toes feets. Like how Bossk was tapping on the edge of the platform on the bridge of The Executor. It also came with a pair of relaxed hands and lastly, his personal weapon - the Relby-v10 Motar Gun.
It has what it needs, and more. But it is only a full score if it is the Sideshow exclusive version.

Bossk is the one of the early Sideshow figures that started to demand a "Hot Toys pricing". At that time, they really have not reach that level of details, sculpting and painting prowess Hot Toys were offering. Therefore sales weren't ideal - at least in this part of the world I'm in. I didn't immediate pre-order this but only bought it some years later. Paid somewhat close to the original MSRP even though it is a used set. But I know this couldn't be miss again. Glad I made that decision then.
A decade now. Sideshow should seriously consider remaking this as a version 2. However I can't imagine how else better it can get?

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