January 10, 2021

Star Wars Black Series 6" General Veers


Maximilian Veers was a human male who served as a general in the Galactic Empire's army. In that capacity, he fought in the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Galactic Empire against the Rebel Alliance. Veers was famous for his leadership during the Imperial assault on the then Rebellion-occupied in the Hoth system, during which he led a squadron of AT-AT walkers past Rebel defenses and personally destroyed the shield generator powering Rebel base's deflector shield. His leadership in the battle was critical to the successful takeover of the Hoth planetary system, a key victory for the Galactic Empire. Veers himself was critically injured during the battle when a Rogue Squadron snowspeeder crashed into his AT-AT's cockpit, destroying the walker, but ultimately survived.
 Bought this figure back in Jul 2018 and even at that time, I paid over the retail price just to have him in my collection. General Veers is one of my favorite character in the Star Wars universe and were always only just represented as an action figure from a 3.75" scale line. When it was available in 6", I just got to have him.
Here you see the good General in his Imperial Officer's uniform. He is obviously very proud to be in uniform and is in the upper echelon of the mighty Imperial Forces. When he was tasked in command of the Hoth invasion to clear out the Rebel scums, he merely put on a body armour and a helmet, for communication purpose. He knew riding high in an All Terrain Armoured Transport (AT-AT), there is really nothing much to fear and obviously the requirement of a full personal armour suit is not necessary.

Looking up the mighty AT-AT, General Maximilian Veers are eager to see action and to crush the rebellion. Lugging his gear and ready for some ass-kicking activity in the ice covered planet of Hoth.

Nobody has done the General in 1/6 scale... yet. Even when Sideshow Toys is churning out character after character of the Star Wars franchise, the General is not in the plan. Why why why??
Even the few seconds appearance of Captain Antilles in the Blockade Runner has got a figure made. Really under rated. It is high time a 1/6 representation need to be made. Instant buy for me when that happen.

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