November 5, 2013

Hasbro Transformers IDW Generations Deluxe Series - Trailcutter

It is always confusing for a rookie like me learning all the Transformers names. This one is an example. The toys is actually named “Trailcutter” but this character was originally named “Trailbreaker”. It is also sometimes known as “Trailbrazer”. The multiple names are due to trademark issues as I have read.
A short bio of Trailcutter from tfwki :
It's hard not to like Trailbreaker. He's a good-humored cheerleader, always ready with a joke or comment to lighten the mood when things get dark. Sadly, Trailbreaker's joking is often a cover for his low self-esteem. His form is the most fuel-consumptive of the Ark crew, and his vehicle mode is very slow. As such, he feels like a useless drain on their limited resources. The Autobots know better, of course. Trailbreaker's good humor, bravery, and impenetrable force field are all of great use, but convincing him of that is hard, especially when he begins to mope about his handicaps.

 Here is a quick review on Trailcutter’s attributes :

Articulations :
Score > 3.5/5
This to me is almost everything a figure need to have. At least 80% of it is attributed to me going ahead and buying a figure. Trailcutter isn’t losing any of it here.
Ball joints > shoulders, crotches. 
Swivel joints > elbows, knees, head, waist.
Flip joints > Feet tips, fists.
The only regrettable part is for the head which should have been on a ball joint. But instead, it is only swivel and it limits some posing. Feet should be on ball joints or at least a left-right flip instead, it gives a up-down flip movement on the feet tips. That provides good walking / half squatting poses. As for the fist, the are flipping in or out, more like it is there due to the transformation needs.
Still excellent articulations all in all.

Sculpting :
Score > 3.5/5
I’m a fan of Alex Milne’s Transformers Artwork and I think he does some excellent design. Trailcutter is actually based on his artwork and I’m pretty please about how it turned out. Perhaps I’m not like most of you who goes first for Orion Pax or Bumblebee, Trailcutter actually caught my eyes first. Headsculpt is excellently done and painted. The light piping design makes it more appealing though the design of the head area kinda limit the amount of light passing through to amplified that “light up eyes” effect. The rest of the body are well done and have good proportion.
The low side is the unfinished surface especially the larger area like the chest part. It is neither smooth gloss nor matte. Give the feeling that it is raw and unfinished. It’ll be great if the mold surface could have sandblast treatment and the outcome will be like that of Fansproject’s X-1 Code’s surface.

Paintworks :
Score > 4/5
Not much of a paint apps here but when it has, it was done meticulously. Not haphazard like most mass produced toys with bad bleeding and missed spot. Special mention on face painting, very good.

Accessories :
Score > 2/5
It has next to no accessory. Except for a hard top (meant for vehicle mode) that double as a shield and also a twin blasters. Pretty weak. Although Trailcutter’s main “weapon” is actually the force field, it doesn’t hurt to give him a blaster. It is a toy and it’s price range suggest that Trailcutter is meant for the mass market ie kids. All good robot comes with at least a blaster or a blade weapon. Regrettable. Some pictures here show him having Orion Pax’s blaster and I think it looks good on him. I’ll just have to improvise one for him.

Size :
No score for this. Trailcutter is a Deluxe class and it measures about 4” tall. I don’t collect a lot of Transformers but have read that the Deluxe class figures are getting smaller by the release. The size is ok for me but I’d think it’s potential can better be explored if it is bigger ie 5” or 6” tall. Perhaps there will be a Voyager or Leader class later. But small  is good for our tiny HDB flat.

Overall :
Score > 3.5/5
Score based purely on Robot mode as I don’t display nor transform my Transformers to it’s alternate mode (yeah, I’m boring like that). The fun times I had posing him for photo taking is enough reasons to spent on this guy even though I have a tighter than usual budget month this month. It also has a certain aesthetic-ness in him that he even looks cool while just in a normal standing pose. He met all the criteria I had for a toy robot and the fact that it cost only $21.9 also adds to it scoring better. A third party Transformers on the same size (albeit better made and finished) will probably cost 4 times this price. Hence, good figure, affordable, good buy.

I have been wanting to add this into my collection for awhile but the original $29.9 price tags puts me off. Chance it at OG and in clearance bins – it is strange as this is relatively new release, why in clearance bins so soon? Marked down to $21.9, about 25% off. TRU sold it at this price when it was just released as a promotion price but I missed that too. Not gonna miss it again. Also bought Orion Pax and Fall of Cybertron; Generations Air Raid – all marked down to $21.9. Not the cheapest but palatable.

Quick scale up with Hasbro Masterpiece Rumble (that came with Toys R'Us exclusives Masterpiece Soundwave). Surprisingly, both colored matched each other pretty well :)

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