January 20, 2013

ThreeA WWRp Armstrong 1G EMGY

WWRp Armstrong wasn't available for sale as a single piece but was in a set of 4 that also includes Engineer, Lunar and Dawn Patrol. It was available at Bambalandstore on 23 Apr 2010, just one month after I got my OG Little Shadow from the same store. Wasn't quite up to speed on 3A's drop info at that time and missed out on getting it at retail price. EMGY being one of my favorite WWR colorway, have to get it and got it from a Hong Kong seller from eBay back in Dec 2010. Needless to say, I paid more than retail but not exorbitantly more.

Armstrong has a simple design and is a no fuss robot. Rothchild made available 2 types mainly the 1G and the 0G versions. 1G (bigger booster pack) were meant to operate on Earth while 0G (smaller booster pack) is for Space ... or Moon operations specifically. This EMGY is the 1G version. Because of the big booster this guy is humping, it had to lean a little forward in order for it to stand without toppling behind.
The double ball joint for it's arms also adds range to motion. Poseable fingers adds to the overall positiveness of this bot. You can swivel the top half of it's cylindrical body and the eye (ok, sensor) ball can also be manipulate around the socket. Mine is a little stiff, due to the paint probably, but with some effort, you can pose it where you want.
I can't help but feel that the Armstrong is a lazy redraw of a Bertie MK2 bot. They looked too similar in concept. And the red and metallic colored left arm design (from WWR EMGY Dropcloth) are not applied here. It's a shame as the red & metallic accent actually helps even out the primary yellow. Now it is only a plain boring yellow bot. Weathering washes was overdone too.

Armstrong with the rest of the WWRp EMGY crew so far. Still waiting for 3A to release a WWRp EMGY Dropcloth, Dropcloth 1.5 & Square MK1. Don't think I'll dig a 1/12 EMGY Grunt but if it will be release, I'll probably buy it for the sake of the yellow.

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