August 5, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel Rehel

I finally learned how to pronounce his name in a way it sounded more rounded and smooth - Re-yell. Yup, that's how your tongue should curl to get it right. "Re-hell" just sounded wrong I feel.
Rehel was available for sale at Bambalandstore on 18 Feb 2012 and it was delivered 1 Aug 2012. Relatively quick for 3A standards. I wasn't too keen to buy it initially given that it is now US$90 each for a simple single box Adventure Kartel figure. There was another 3AA exclusive version with black hair and a black T-Shirt and it was called differently with a name "Dragos Eraphis Rehel". I was mulling over which one to get as buying 2 wasn't an option then and I think Kurt Cobain eventually helped me make my choice. Chose the "golden" hair Rehel because Kurt has similar shade hair.

From 3A Wiki : "Rehel is the lead singer of the Christian Devil worshiping band Cloven Heart and a member of Adventure Kartel. Only Tommy Mission noticed that he looked like a Zomb."
Since Rehel is the lead singer of a band, I wonder why 3A doesn't at least include a mic as an accessory. Rehel came with nothing else extra except for a poster and a set of spare wrist pegs. A mic would have added so much fun factor to him.
The electric guitar you see here is from my own accessory box. Used to belong to DiD's Yu Quan and Rehel now owns it.

I mentioned earlier that I chose the "golden" haired Rehel cos the promo pict makes him looks like he has light yellowish hair. But in fact, Rehel has white hair. I think the weathering gave it a slight yellowish hue but it is white predominantly. This regular version comes with a standard 3A white T-Shirt. I would say everything here are rehashed except for the headsculpt and the handsculpt.
When pictures of in-hand Rehel starts to surface, I am glad I make the decision to get him - I wasn't really very keen on him initially and had intended to pass until the day it went on sale. Now that I have him in hand, it doesn't really wow me like how the Zombkins makes me all excited.
But it is a member of Adventure Kartel and I love this line. So it is good to have variations in the line. Rehel will be here to stay and he will always hold a place in my display cabinet.

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