July 25, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood Adventure Kartel Nefarious Ten Fingers Gang No.7

I'd like to start giving names to each and every one of my Finger Gang and lets start off with No.7. Will call him "Rage" to reflect the color he is in. Red for anger and "Rage" is aptly put.

Rage's original weapon is a bazooka which was first used by Heavy Tomorrow Kings. The Bazooka was painted in red and with the usual 3A weathering. But me being me, I always try to present stock figures in this blog with something alternate. Since Rage is all about anger, perhaps a battling ram willl suit him quite appropriately.
The ram was from VeryHot Toys. I sand away the parting lines, put a coat of white paint over the original black unpainted plastic. The red paint came out much brighter over white than in black. weathered it and off it went to this Finger member.

Here I have Rage loaning Tomorrow Queen Yumiko's shot gun for these few shots. I'd really love to give him red belt pouches and an attempt to swap it with Medic Grunt's pouches ended with no takers. Bought fabric paint but apparently, the paint doesn't cling well onto synthetic polyester material which those pouches are made from. So I'll have to wait for some future releases with red pouches and do a swap for a look-see-feel if it remains permanently on Rage.
Have also swapped out the black generic T-shirt with a spare brownish green ones I had.
Rage looks good in red and I look forward to the day when red belt pouches are available for him to adorn.


soulstayer said...

nice review sir! i like the way u snap and use other than stock weapon on ur review...looking forward to ur other finger gang review...btw r u collection hot toys? or u just heavly pump up on threeA only? thanks!

Yee said...

Thanks! Glad you find the write ups useful. Not really into movie collectibles though I have a few HTs (check out some of my earlier Blog entries). Furthermore, they have also priced me out of the game :(

soulstayer said...

ya me felt da same..quite pricey nowaday the price keep increasing..one question sir..is it worth to get 10 finger gang? i stumble upon someone who one to sell finger gang #9..quite a good price but i keep thinking izzit worth to buy..thanks sir

Yee said...

Value is in the eye of the Beholder.. so is beauty ha! You already said it is a good price means you are already agreeing on it. So the next question is do you want it bad enough? It's your choice really man, hard to give advice. I personally like how the Fingers were designed and I'll go for it if I don't have any now :) Hope that helps.. cheers!