June 29, 2012

ThreeA Ashley Wood WWR / WWRp EMGY Square MK2

Moving house is a real hassle. I believe Ashley Wood would share the same sentiments. But I have finally entered into the final phase of unpacking and yearn for life to quickly return to normal. These sets of pictures are the first to be taken from my new abode. Signs of things going back to normal :)

Decided to group these 2 together in one postings since they are essentially the same item albeit with a difference in scale. Got the 10 pack WWR version off Bambabalandstore on 9th Jun 2011 and received it 6 months later in Dec 2011. In the midst of the shift and picture taking has to take a back seat.

As for WWRp version, it is actually Re-Venture Hong Kong (RVHK) show exclusive. Had wanted to attend the show but decided not to eventually. Thought I'm not that hardcore a collector hey! Not really hard up for this but when an opportunity present itself in a form of an eBay.sg auction, I just go for it.

A picture here to show how they compare up in size. So far these are all the Squares that gotten released in EMGY colorway regardless of scale. Still waiting for a WWRp Square MK1 version and the recently announced Mighty Square. But not really digging Mighty Square's design and hope this colorway will never be release in it. Otherwise, I'll be in a dilemma...

MK1 actually sets a benchmark on them Squares design and it is indeed a hard act to follow. When MK2 Squares images were first released, reaction were kind of lukewarm. It's cyclops eye wasn't quite well received.
But it made up with much more articulations than it's MK1 cousin. The legs articulation points are there for you to see. The groins joint were ball and socket which adds to the amount of pose it can achieve. The best articulation will have to be the ball jointed "waist" which the MK1 doesn't has. Now the Square can lift it's "head" or lower it because of this joint.
Overall, it still lacked the X-Factor that the MK1 has but because of the different features, it pretty much can stand on it's own apart from MK1. I like it but would love it more if it retains the 2 eyes design. But nevertheless, worthy piece in my collection.

WWRp Square MK2 EMGY
Now the portable version. Everything I had commented about the bigger WWR version applies directly only this 1/12 scaled version. But one thing stood out comparing both is that the smaller size of it adds to the cuteness level.
One thing I would like to comment on 3A doing a good job is on it's paintwork. Though small but I can see from the splashes that there were effort made in painting this little guy. the rusted spots looked smaller and to scale if you know what I mean. The legs dislodge itself from the ball socket quite easily if the posing got a little intense, But popping them back is never a problem. Fun factor definitely higher than the WWR version but overall, it looks exactly the same but only in smaller scale. Believe me when I say it look exactly the same as WWR version is really a compliment.

Last fun shot of the small square vs MK1. Just manages to hunt down both Peaceday and Deimos just yesterday and they'd be lining up for a photoshoot of their own.
Conclusion. Little Square MK2 are fun to have. But in my opinion, the other colorway are just too dull. And being show exclusive doesn't help in it's availability. Buy the ones you fancy, pay a tad more is ok but not much more. I got the 3 I had originally wanted and got them by paying for 1 and trading for the other 2. I'm happy.

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