December 16, 2010

ThreeA WWRp Armstrong Engineer 0G

The first WWRp I have ever bought and I got it from, non other than, eBay. Paid more than getting from Bambaland but not that much more so it is ok. Seems like WWRp stuffs are the only 3A Ashley Wood's toys that doesn't go to insane prices. First came across these cutie at a shop in CSC and am immediately attracted to it. Engineer Armstrong was the one on display that "fateful" day.

Again in these pictures, I have not use its original outer space bazooka but uses a blade instead. Blade is borrowed from HT Kamui Gaiden's weaponary and I chose it because it is not the full length katana hence more suited for 1/12 scale of these WWRp's.
Articulation wise, I think I have written enough when Lunar Camo was presented here. So for here, I'll just make some comments on the paint job. Armstrong Engineer came with the usual high standards that come to signify a 3A product. The rust are fantastically done and are so believable that you thought it is actually made of metal and had gone through the rough and tough routine of what a robot were meant to do. But it is mainly vinyl with only the hands and feet  (and weapons) are of harder ABS plastic (I think... by the feel of it by hands). It holds its shape pretty well being vinyl and all.
Final 2 shots to close this entry. I love the design very much but when it gets too many and started to crowd the shelf, you will think maybe 1, or at most 2 is the ideal size. Unfortunately for me, I still have a EMGY Armstrong to go LOL! Hope to sell off one of it but not sure which one to let. Definitely keeping EMGY because of its bigger Dropcloth cousin. And I am leaning more towards keeping Engineer... most likely Lunar Camo will go. But there is no hurry now.... Till the next update!

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