November 10, 2010

Los Angeles Police Department S.W.A.T.

It is one of those magical 1:6 moment that this one got revived. I have this kitbash like for the longest of times and all along, I had it on a DML Adam body with DML SAS Colin's sculpt. That doesn't work out for awhile but I wasn't keen enough to do a re-kitbash until last week when I started clearing the display shelf for new display items, that I finally re-kit it onto a BBi G1 body with the intention of putting it up at when done (still does). Voila! It looks almost perfect with the G1. Hence before I put this guy up on eBay, thought I just document him down here for future remembering sake.
By the way, if anybody is still unsure what does the acronym "SWAT" meant, it actually means "Special Weapons And Tactics". Doesn't sound too relevant if you ask me. That is what they call these guys anyway.
[Add] Thought the initial backdrop looked too much like a town in Europe, and someone rightfully point that out @ the OSW (where these picts are also posted). So a change in the background pict is necessasry :)

This guy is mostly made up of Hot Toys (YES! Hot Toys / HT) SWAT Ver1 parts. The one that had a Keannu Reeves lookalike sculpt. Even though is HT, it is of the 1st generation stuffs which by today's standard is considered not good enough. But still, it is HT nonetheless. Some of the parts were scavange away for other kitbashes ie the kneepads. Otherwise, it looks functional.
Next up for revision will be my few Very Hot SDUs and if time permits, the other SWAT for joining in. Till next update!

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