October 17, 2010

ThreeA Adventure Kartel Little Shadow - The Three Thousand Year Old Teenager.

Ordered this in mid March and only got it in mid October. a good 7 months wait even the folks at 3A are kinda embarrassed about. But nevertheless, Little Shadow came through. My first 3A that came directly from Bambaland.com and paid its retail price (rather than the inflated eBay prices).

Little Shadow came with an amount of accessories considered substantial in 3A Ashley Wood's figure standards. A seperate set of heels beets, a right fist and a Skull Bomb. Comparing to Tommy Mission which come with only a glow-in-the-dark fist, Little Shadow's stuffs are in abundance.
Tried to stuff the Skull Bomb into the sling pouch she came with but it can't fit. Perhaps it can go in if I apply a little force but not something I want to try. Furthermore, the bag will hang high with the skull in it and it will look funny in overall proportionally wise. Don't really need the skull anyway...
Articulations are limited with this body used. The knee can only bend till 45° (input from guys who has Cherry Shadow - in a mini skirt with exposed leg) by its design. And for this gal in skinny jeans, she can just bend about 30°. I dare not venture further for fear of breakage. The arms are better and pretty much today's standards. And while I was fiddling Shadow for this photoshoot, noticed the breasts were "rubber skin" and it collapse as I was pressing on it. But it inflate back when I let off the pressure (from my fingers). Thought that is something we wanted to know :)
Overall Shadow is a cool design and I love it. We all know Ashley Wood always release a few version of the same figure but however, this is one figure you only need 1 piece to represent it all in my earnest opinion.

Round this entry up of Shadow and (ex?) boyfriend Tommy Mission. They looks good displaying together and with Shadow standing about half a head taller than Tommy with her heels on. And Shadow looks good in heels with that long legs. Sassy!

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