May 26, 2009

Medicom : The Mad Capsule Markets

The Mad Capsule Markets - White Crusher

We can be forgiven to think that this is a knockoff / bootleg design copying that of a Starwars Stormtrooper. But after asking around, and now knew this is actually 1 part of a mascot of a Japanese grunge rock band called "The Mad Capsule Market" - strange and unique name to call a band isn't it? Armed with this knowledge now, I still does think that they have blatantly copied the Stormtrooper's design :p
Bought this really cheaply (cos' it doesn't have a box perhaps?) on one of those Sunday at CSC Flea Market. No pun intended definitely. The rubber suit is already deteriorating but I still get it as it is too good a deal to pass off... although at that point of time, I have totally no knowledge of what or who they represented.
He came with no weapon and 1 spare hand, not a pair though...

The Mad Capsule Market - Black Cybone

White Crusher's enemy the Black Cybone. Not difficult to understand why he is the bad guy. Black armour, black suit, and a skull painted face. Still cool enough for me to spend the money on. Anyway, they should be together in pair and it is quite unwise to just buy 1 and let go of the other. And he got the big bad weapon, his "friend" has none. And he came without box but with 1 spare hand (yes, just 1 right hand).
While I was posing him for this shoot, I think I broke his right knee. Damn Medicom's fragile body. Still he can stand on his own but he would need urgent surgery to last him longer.

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