March 2, 2009

Band of Brothers : The NAM Version

I have always been keen in Vietnam War's soldier's gear. Soldiers wearing predominantly green gear just made them a tad more like a soldier as compares to the "colorful" camouflage soldier wear these days. Nonetheless, I have this funny idea to create a NAM version of Band of Brothers. And I have only intention to use African American (AA) sculpts. Still collecting usable sculpts till today and so far, I have made 5 kitbashes. More will add on in time to come.
Radio / Telephone Operator (RTO)
This is the first figure I made and arguably, the one that I put in the most effort on. All gear from Dragon Models Limited (DML) and the arm "Big Red One" tab was self custom made. I mounted DML's Curtis's head on a BBi G1 body. The G1 body though lacking in range of articulations in today's standards, is one of the body I love to use. Simply because they are not too tall and had a slimmer chest. Hence the gear fell into place more naturally without a buldging chest to boot. The 77 set's (came from DML We Were Soldier set) straps were all changed to a deeper OD colored nylon straps from its original sage green straps it came with. Also updated all the hinges with self bent wire. More realistic as compares to molded rings it came with. 3 pockets backpack were from TUS. Again, restrapping was done removing the shiny ribbons it has previously with OD nylon straps. Elastc riffle slings were also replaced with nylon ones. Hinges were made to add details.
A Riffleman in the platoon is the most generic of the generic soldier. They were like the backbone of a platoon, the heart n soul. This guy was build having in mind that he should be laden with ammo. Hence I made several AR-15 20 rounds ammo bandolier and generously given him 2 bandoliers. On top of that, he had 2 additional ammo pouches rigged to his SBO (aka webbings). Ciggrettes pack were also self made. Image printed out with color laser printer and this particular trooper got issued Camel brands. The sculpt used were gotten lose and it came with the 6 BBi G3 bodies TFH used to sell them for. Out of the 6, 2 were AA sculpts and they were pretty well sculpted. Again, I mounted it onto a BBi G1 body.
LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon) Gunner
A LAW gunner in the platoon provide additional firepower. Though the US troops seldom encounter Vietnamese armour, the LAW was used very effectively against enemy's bunkers and build up area. When the LAW is not used, he double as a riffleman. Carrying equal amount of ammo clips as the riffleman, in a way is also helping other platoon mates when there is a need for extra ammo. Sculpt is the other of the 2 from the set of 6. Body is BBi G1 again. And I am using Toysoldier's BDU as I have ran out of DML ones. I prefer DML's BDU better for its slightly lighter shade of green and it had the thigh pocket higher thus looks better and more proportional overall when stuffing items into it. Helmet is also from Toysoldier. The notorious "small" helmet wasn't that small after all. Just remove the inner ring and it can fit in nicely.
BLOOPER (M79 Grenade Launcher) Gunner
Some references I have read indicates that this guy does not carry a secondary weapon ie the AR-15 riffle. So his job is mainly to "Bloop" away eggs. His only other weapon is the Colt M1911 pistol. And I have also read that in Vietnam, most of such leather equipments (ie pistol pouches) are in black leather. I have none and only have the brown WWII ones. So I repainted it black to make it relevant. He has a Toysoldier grenade vest and of course 2 AR-15 ammo pouches. You may ask, why need the pouches when he got no weapon to use it with? Well, he acts as "spare ammo wagon" to the section. When the firefight gets a bit hot, all extra ammo is appreciated. Here I used a DML NBC trooper Skip's sculpt. I got this nude from HK at a good price. You don't pass a Lawrence Fishburn sculpt and not buy it yeah? LOL!! And this time, I used a DML AA nude. Take a quick look at the thigh pocket. This one is from DML. Compare this to the LAW gunner, isn't this one looks better?
M60 MG (PIG) Gunner
Every platoon has 2 M60 "PIG" gunner and he will be with the Weapon Squad. The MG provides sustain fire suppressing the enemy while platoon mates makes headway. Have you watch Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket? If yes, you can't forget Adam Baldwin's portrayal of "Animal Mother", the beefy M60 PIG gunner. I think since then, the image is etched in many of us that a M60 Gunner got to be muscular and big size. And I have a Very Hot copy of HT's earlier muscular body on a SDU trooper. So happens that the flesh tone is of a darker shade. Perfect for a portrayal of an AA. The sculpt used was BBi's Bobca. Another Lawrence Fishburn lookalike but luckily the sculpting differs considerably with the DML ones hence spares me twins! A little modification to the neck hole on the head ie enough to fit the head into the neck. I also cut both legs and inserted BBi G3.5 ones instead. Perhaps I cut the BBi legs a little long therefore this guy actually stands around 13" - about 3/4 head taller than the blooper gunner. Oh well, gives variety which adds to realism. The bullet chain were from Playkid's excellent metal casted bullets and links. Adam Baldwin as "Animal Mother" in "Full Metal Jacket"
Helmet Grafiti
Another fun thing about kitbashing NAM troopers is the diversity of possibilities for your imagination. I've added some grafitti to the helmets of the troopers which gave each of them added personality. Marlboro ciggy pack was also self printed and folded. I added a layer of poythene wrap outside it to add realism. Well, there you have it. Until I can add more "brothers" to this motley bunch!

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